The Top Family Activities and Playgrounds in the Golden Plains Shire Region

The Golden Plains Shire region is one and a half hours drive west of Melbourne and includes the towns of Bannockburn, Dereel, Haddon, Inverleigh, Linton, Meredith, Rokewood, Smythesdale, Steiglitz and Teesdale.
The Golden Plains Shire region is characterised by rolling hills, rugged bush landscapes and rocky volcanic plains which span the region from its historic gold mining towns in the north, to the river valleys in its south.
Explore the remnants of a rich goldmining history at Steiglitz Historic Park which was a busy goldmining township in the 1860s and 1890s, Enfield State Park and Historic Jubilee Mine Site in Scarsdale.
A map of the region is:

The best playground in this region is:
Bannockburn Lions Park Playground, Bannockburn

An interesting structure with a wave slide, curved slide, shop front, climbing wall, inclined rigid frame ladder, high little chain bridge, zig-zag pipe bridge, hanging disks, balance beam with obstacles, inclined climbing bridge with half circles, monkey bars and rope spiders web climbing frame. Stand-on spinner, horse springer and swings.
Unshaded seats, four shaded tables, BBQ, water tap and grassy area (next to a railway line).
The Golden Plains Shire region is blessed by a number of very nice BMX tracks. Rokewood BMX Track is a really interesting bike park which has a good range of jumps of different heights and some very unusual features. It includes a couple of pump trails, dirt pipe, three dirt mounds, volcano and plenty of jumps.

Linton BMX Track is a fun and extensive area with the highlight being a web of twelve elevated wooden beams. There is also a range of jumps of varying heights and curved sections of track where you can pick up speed.

Teesdale BMX Track is a big track in a roughly triangle shape which has more than fifteen jumps of different heights and Smythesdale BMX Track is a twisty track which has three lines of jumps of various heights, two banked turns and two high mounds at the corners.

Reviews of all playgrounds, Skateparks and BMX Tracks in the Golden Plains Shire council region are here:
Family activities in the Golden Plains Shire include:
- Windmill Mini Golf in Teesdale (The 18 hole course caters for all ages and levels of play)
- Steiglitz Historic Park (Explore the Steiglitz area which was a busy goldmining township in the 1860s and 1890s)
- Historic Jubilee Mine Site in Scarsdale (Relics of Smythesdale's gold-mining history can be found at this well preserved gold mining site)
- Rainbow Bird Trail (Walk, cycle or ride your horse on the 35 km trail between Scarsdale and Dereel)
- Maude Viewing Platform (The viewing platform has been designed in the shape of Bunjil the Eagle and offers outstanding views of the Moorabool River Valley)
- Inverleigh Pioneer Heritage Walk (A 1 hour walk around the Inverleigh township that passes many of the historic buildings and sites)
- Inverleigh Disc Golf (Disc golf course which is played with similar rules to traditional golf, except instead of hitting a ball into a hole, players throw special golf discs from a tee area into an elevated target basket)
- Enfield State Park (The park holds remnants of a rich goldmining history and offers a wide range of activities including picnics, fossicking, mountain bike riding, horse riding, walking, scenic drives and camping)
- Corindhap Avenue of Honour (Four big carvings from tree stumps, seats integrated into old farming equipment and other historical equipment)
- Clarkesdale Bird Sanctuary near Linton (A nature reserve focused on protecting and restoring habitat for woodland birds)
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