The Top Family Activities and Playgrounds in the Buloke Shire Region

The Buloke Shire region is a three hour drive north-west of Melbourne and includes the towns of Berriwillock, Birchip, Charlton, Donald, Sea Lake and Wycheproof.
For water sports enthusiasts the region has a number of lakes including Watchem Lake at Watchem, Wooroonook Lakes near Charlton, Tchum Lake at Birchip and Green Lake at Sea Lake. For budding mountain climbers, test your skills at Mount Wycheproof which is the smallest registered mountain in the world.
Climb to the summit of Mount Jeffcott Flora and Fauna Reserve for a panoramic view across the plains.
One of the icons of the shire is The Big Mallee Bull in Birchip.
A map of the region is:

The best playgrounds in this region are:
Donald Playground and Train, Donald

The starring highlights of this playground are the full size train (which you can enter the cabin) and some carriages. Even the toilets are made from a train carriage. The playground has a high wave slide, unusual metal climbing frame, inclined climber, medium wave slide, tunnel, shop front, monkey rungs, a quite long flying fox, horizontal bars and a see-saw you walk across to tip over. There is a large shelter with tables and BBQ, unshaded table and another shelter with tables. Minimal grassy area.
Birchip Memorial Park Playground, Birchip

Nice park with play equipment spread across the park. The main structure at the back has a tunnel slide, dual wave slides, walkway, fireman's poles, small tunnel, shop front, rope tunnel bridge, monkey rungs and vertical rope climbing frame. Large dome rope climbing frame, stand-on carousel and four swings.
There is a toddler play area under shade sails with two ladders, wave slide, tunnel and climbing mat wall. Also a digger for the woodchips and four person see-saw with two horse seats.
Shelter with table, seat and BBQ plus tables, seats and BBQs under the spreading leaves of big trees. Unshaded tables and some grassy area plus another shelter near the road with a table.
Centenary Park Playground, Wycheproof

An interesting park with an eclectic mix of interesting elements. Let's get the playground out of the way first. There is a structure with wave slide, scrambling wall, curved slide, high chain bridge, spiral ladder, arched walkway, shop front and balance beam with obstacles. There is a separate area with arched monkey bars and stand on spinner and another area with swings.
The south side is ringed by a log cabin (can't go inside), windmill and bird aviaries which included peacocks, a wide variety of pigeons and cockatoos (need to take note of the sign "Caution - Birds may bite").
On the north side are some more play items including a cute horse springer, big bee springer (for two people) and a purple whale springer. Next to this area which has shady trees is a shelter with seven tables and BBQs. The park is a real triumph and has grassy areas dotted with trees and gardens. There are toilets and water tap. There is even a shaded car parking area and information boards about the town.
You may even find out that Wycheproof is the half-way town between Melbourne and Mildura (being 285km from both), Wycheproof means "grass on hill", that Mt Wycheproof at 43m above the surrounding plain is the smallest registered mountain in the world and the railway line is one of only two in Australia running through the main street.
The skate parks in this region are
Birchip Skatepark (A metal prefab street course on a concrete base which has a small mini ramp with a quarter on one end of the ramp. There is also a quarter at the other end of the park, fun box with ledge and rail and a few other standard prefab things)

Charlton Skatepark (A small but interesting park with some good challenges. There is an open central area with a speed bump/volcano in the middle. There is a mini which has an extension at one end of the park and quarters, hips and ramps surrounding the central area. The skatepark is next to a playground and there are shaded tables, unshaded table and seat plus a basketball court.)

The best BMX track in this region is:
Reviews of all playgrounds, skate parks and BMX Tracks in the Buloke Shire council region are here:
Family activities in the Buloke Shire region include:


Sea Lake

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→ Map of Buloke Shire (PDF)