The Pines Playspace and Gym, Blackburn Road, Doncaster East

Behind the Learning Centre at the Pines Shopping Centre is a play space with a low structure which can be used for a wide variety of exercises or as a general playground and has ramps, rope bridge, steps, step bridge and horizontal bars. Also a hanging climbing frame with suspended circles, swings, stand-alone wave slide on a hill, elevated circles in a curvy row to climb through, springer and small carousel.
The playspace includes fitness equipment designed by a physiotherapist specifically to improve the strength, mobility and agility of older adults or those recovering from injury or illness. Watch the video to learn more about the exercise equipment. There are also clear instructions on site to assist people through the exercises.
Unshaded table and seats. Grassy areas which slope.
520 Blackburn Road,2 Doncaster East 3109 Map