The Cape Playground, Sunlight Boulevard, Cape Paterson

A path leads leads from a difficult parking area past a hill top to the playground area. Under shade sails is a huge sandpit with little metal slide, some concrete rings to crawl through, log and rock steppers, water pump (not working), flying fox with disk seat, birds nest swing and standard swing.
Shaded seat, three unshaded tables, water tap and outdoor gym.
To the west of the playground are two medium sized tennis hard courts. One court is available for hire to the public and the other court is available to members only. The courts are surrounded by low fences. Both courts are reserved by the Owners Corp Committee for social games on the 3rd Friday of each month between 3:45 - 6:15pm.
There's a rebound wall with cricket stump drawn on the wall, basketball half court, unshaded table and gravel bocce court.
The playground is owned by residents of the Cape Estate but visitors who respect the area are welcome.
41 Sunlight Boulevard, Cape Paterson 3995 Map