The Best Street and Public Art in Collingwood

There is some epic street art in the Collingwood area.
Corner Budd Street and Keele Street (south west)

House at 51 Keele Street by Mike Maka and Conrad Bizjak
Corner Budd Street and Keele Street (north east)

29 Budd Street at a corner with a lane

Laneway north of 34 Budd Street

Empty block at 32 Budd Street
The Collingwood power substation is a major centre for public art and includes murals by well-known several artists including Guido Van Helton, Adnate, Rone, Mayonaize and Askew and Adnate. There is art on the walls along Easey Street between Budd Street and Wellington Street and southwards down Budd Street and Wellington Street.

259 Wellington Street

Corner Budd Street and Sackville Street (south east)

Corner Budd Street and Sackville Street (north west)

Corner Budd Street and Sackville Street (south west)

Mural by Spencer Keeton Cunningham at 44 Sackville Street

Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation building facade by Ray Thomas, Ruby Kullakulla, Kulan Barney and Matt Adnate (2016) at 17 Sackville Street.

Kangaroo mural by Nychos (2017) at 46 Easey Street

Entrance area to Backwoods Gallery, 25 Easey Street.

A mural by Resio Welin (2017) located a little east of the corner of Wellington Street and Sackville Street

On the north east corner of Wellington Street and Sackville Street on the side of a petrol station is this lovely artwork which looks like it has been there many years.
Corner Wellington Street and Johnston Street (north west)

Corner Wellington Street and Johnston Street (north east). Access the mural from Wellington Street.

Keith Haring mural outside the Collingwood Arts Precinct, 35 Johnston Street

Laneway running south beside 19 Johnston Street

Burger mural by Mike Makatron, Mayonaise, Awes and Dvate at 4 Bedford Street.

Corner Smith Street and Mater Street, Collingwood

Pasta Classica sign. 352 Smith Street, Collingwood
Murals by StineHvid in Chopper Lane, an area between buildings south of Perry Street, Collingwood (between Smith Street and Bedford Street).

Rock seats with polished stone inlays at the corner of Smith Street and Stanley Street, Collingwood (east side)

Corner Smith Street and Stanley Street, Collingwood (north east side)

Corner Langridge Street and Islington Street, Collingwood

Corner Hoddle Street and Islington Street, Collingwood (north west side)

Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior at the corner of Hoddle Street and Gipps Street, Collingwood (south west side)

Map of Street Art Locations:
Web Links
→ The Best Street and Public Art in Fitzroy
→ The Best Street and Public Art in Brunswick
→ The Best Street and Public Art in Windsor, Prahran and South Yarra
→ The Best Street and Public Art in Richmond, Cremorne and Abbotsford