The 100 Steps of Federation (Altona Meadows)

The '100 Steps to Federation' leads to the top of the 17m high mound that was once the Altona Tip. The tip has been capped with clay and soil. The swale (ditch) that runs alongside the walking path on the mound collects rain and directs it towards the wetland, where the sediment (dirt) settles out. The water is then filtered by the reeds. At the nearby picnic shelter, rainwater runs off the roof and into another swale, where it helps to water a planting of reeds. The stone staircase is made of basalt rock recycled from when the area was a clean-fill tip.
100 steps doesn't seem too much in order to reach the highest point of land between Melbourne and the You Yangs. When the weather is good there are some great views of city and bay.
There is some nice artwork at the top and also at the bottom of the steps. The mound is topped by a sculpture called the Time Beacon, created by the artist Cameron Robbins.
The park has a shelter with tables and BBQ.
Andrew Park Drive, Altona Meadows 3028 Map
Web Links
→ Altona to 100 Steps of Federation (Walking Maps)