Team Kraken Medieval Combat Group (Clayton South)

Team Kraken are a Victorian based Medieval Combat group established in 2015.
Our club practises full-contact medieval combat, fighting in high quality medieval armour with real (blunted) weapons. We train for 3 main types of medieval fighting, Buhurt (team fights), Duels (weapon specific 1vs1), and Profights (high level 1v1 fights).
Team Kraken consist of men and woman who train regularly and strive to be the best fighters in Australia. We are currently the largest team in Australia with over 30 members across Victoria!
Our Team isn't just for fighters, we have marshals, squires and event support members who train with us and get involved in our many Team activities, there is always a place for everybody within our Team and we always welcome new members any time of year!
Our fighters, marshals and supporters travel internationally to represent Australia at the Battle of the Nations, IMCF tournaments across Europe and special events nationally and world wide!
You can also find our Team at some of Melbourne's biggest events, St Kilda Festival, Arnold Sports Festival, Supanova and many more!
Our gym is located in Clayton South. We train on Mondays - Thursdays from 6pm - 9:00pm, and Saturday mornings from 10am - 12pm.
If you are interested in joining the Team and learning more about Historical Medieval Battle, join us at one of our weekly training sessions. Your first weekday session is free and all you need is some water and regular gym clothes!
2/30 Audsley Street, Clayton South 3169 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Team Kraken on Facebook