Tarrington Hay Bale Art

During the Laternenfest, locals create art from hale bales and they are displayed along the length of the town.
Traditionally, Laternenfest, or Festival of Lanterns, takes place in the evening on or around November 11th. It is the celebration of the Life of a man who helped the poor. German communities celebrated Laternenfest in honour of St. Martin who was known for his generosity of spirit. He brought light into poor people's lives, and this is symbolized by the lights of the lantern parades. Laternenfest is celebrated at Tarrington the Friday night before the beginning of Advent, normally the final day in November.
Opening Hours:
The hale bale art is generally displayed from early November to the end of December.
Don't miss this if you are in the area (near Hamilton) during November or December.
Hamilton Highway, Tarrington 3301 Map
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