Tarneit Lakes Circuit Outdoor Gym (Tarneit)

There are five fitness stations at points around the lake which can be connected via a 1.8km loop.
The station on the south side of the lake at 52 Rippleside Terrace has a cycle with screen.
The station on the south side of the lake at 41 Rippleside Terrace has a sit-up bench and unshaded seat.
There is a station on the north-west side at 77 Inverell Parkway. Parallel bars.
There is a station on the north-east side at 8 Pindaroi Court. Leg raises and pull-ups.
There is a station on the north-west side at 27 Bassendean Court. There is a sit-up board, push-up bars, ladder and chin-ups. Unshaded seat.
There is a pedestrian bridge across the middle of the lake.
52 Rippleside Terrace, Tarneit 3029 Map