Taiwanese School of Melbourne (Ashwood Campus)

The Taiwanese School was founded to teach Traditional Mandarin literature and language. We believe it is important to appreciate Taiwanese culture as part of the learning experience. We believe that each student has unique needs and we work to provide the necessary guidance and support to ensure these needs are met.
We believe learning is best achieved in a happy and supportive environment. Our approach is to ensure that our teachers are qualified and committed to our philosophy of meeting the needs of our students. We also believe that parent involvement in the school can only improve the quality of the learning experience.
We want our students to be fluent in spoken and written Mandarin, to be able to appreciate Taiwanese culture. For those of our students of Taiwanese descent, we would like them to be proud of their heritage and what it means for the multicultural society that we live in. We want to provide our students with the opportunity to achieve a VCE qualification in Mandarin.
Opening Hours:
Classes: Saturday 9am - 12pm
50 Vannam Drive, Ashwood 3147 Map
✆ 0487 761 321
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.taiwaneseschool.com.au
→ Taiwanese School of Melbourne on Facebook