Sydenham Neighbourhood House (Taylors Lakes)

Sydenham Neighbourhood House is one of the longest running Neighbourhood Houses having been in operation since 1993. It is a facility that is for everyone, from every background, at every stage of life and every stage of learning.
Sydenham Neighbourhood House offers a number of opportunities that aim to strengthen the community and address local needs.
Programs include: arts & craft, health, cultural programs, fitness and wellbeing activities, computers and technology classes, family and children's programs, school holiday programs, skills development programs and youth programs including our fun and inclusive weekly Youth Drop-In sessions. We also run events for young people, study support and other community events.
1 Watergardens Cct Road, Taylors Lakes 3038 Map
✆ (03) 9249 4224
Email Enquiry
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→ Brimbank Neighbourhood Houses and Community Centres on Facebook