Swimmers Swim School (Melton South)

Looking for swimming lessons which are ambitious and highly motivating? We have been providing first class swimming instruction to residents of Melton and surrounding areas since 1988.
Our learn to swim and water safety program is designed to teach your child swimming and water safety skills with efficiency and enjoyment. Our program incorporates Parent & Child classes for babies and toddlers; lessons for children 2 years and over; and then Junior Squad, Intermediate Squad and Senior Squad for higher level awards. Children who want to swim competitively are catered for in our Club Squads.
As Swimmers swim school is devoted solely to teaching swimming we do not allow any public or recreational swimming. This facilitates a distraction-free learning atmosphere. Teachers are responsible for the safety and progress of your child and we stress the need for lessons which combine fun and learning in a disciplined environment.
Swimmers has two pools. Our 15 metre learners' pool is heated to 32? which allows all-year round swimming in comfort. Our 25 metre training pool is heated to 28? - an ideal temperature for extended training sessions and hard work! The pools' water quality conforms to the highest standards as can be seen by our crystal clear water.
Parent & child classes
'Parent and Child' lessons for babies under 2 years of age teach basic water awareness, acclimatizing even the youngest child for fun and hassle-free learning, familiarising them to the swimming environment whilst providing fun time with other babies. Babies learn to put their face in the water and blow bubbles, bob under the water, kick on their tummy, lie on their tummy and their back, which all leads to confidence to be able to learn to swim when they get a bit older. These classes also help parents to have the confidence to be able to take their baby swimming themselves.
The minimum age for students to undertake lessons is 2 years of age. Lessons are conducted every weekday morning and on Saturday for pre-school age children or younger. Lessons are of 30 minutes duration with a maximum of 4 to a class. Most students will be acquiring the skills for our Tommy Turtle Certificates Pink, Blue, Green and Orange.
Lessons for older children are conducted every weekday commencing at 4pm. Lessons are of 30 minutes duration with a maximum of 5 to a class. Students are taught the skills relevant to our Swimming and Water Safety Awards Levels 1 through 4.
Junior Squad
Junior Squad is suitable for students who have achieved or are capable of achieving Swimming and Water Safety Level 4. Junior Squad activities include stroke correction; competitive skills (e.g. backstroke starts, turns etc.); a continuation of the life saving skills relevant to the Swimming and Water Safety Awards; and the opportunity to have some fun in swimming related activities (e.g. relays, underwater swimming challenges, etc.). Junior Squad develops fitness through swimming longer distances than can be achieved in lessons.
Deep Water Classes
This is a water safety course designed to teach children to survive and have fun in deep water. A must for children involved in boating, water skiing and other water-related activities, this course is equally important for anyone timid about deeper water. The course teaches safe diving and entry techniques, how to execute an 'unexpected entry', under water swimming, survival strokes and survival skills and much, much more. It is available for children who have passed Swimming and Water Safety Levels 3 and 4.
Intermediate Squad
Intermediate Squad is for students who have achieved Swimming and Water Safety Awards Level 5. Members of Intermediate Squad practise the skills required to achieve Levels 6 and 7.
Senior Squad
Senior Squad is generally for students who have achieved Swimming and Water Safety Awards Level 7 and students who wish to swim in a squad structure for fitness and stamina. These are improved by swimming longer distances than in Intermediate Squad but shorter distances than for Club Squad. No testing takes place within this squad, the emphasis is on general training and social interaction.
Junior Development Squad
In Term 4 and Term 1 of the next year, a Junior Development Squad offers children who have been identified as having the potential for competitive swimming the opportunity to gain a "taste" of Club Squad prior to committing themselves in May.
Club Squad
Club Squad is for students who have the ability and enthusiasm to attend squad training at least 3 times per week throughout the year and participate in competitions. The Club Squad season commences on May 1 and concludes at the end of March the following year. Although the emphasis is on training and stroke correction, the skills required for the higher level Swimming & Water Safety awards continue to be taught. Advanced Squad is for Club Squad swimmers who are striving to achieve State qualifying times. Top Squad is for swimmers who have achieved a State qualifying time. Both of these squads attend early morning and afternoon training sessions and participate in dry land training in our gym. Entry into Advanced Squad and Top Squad is by invitation of the Head Coach.
Life Saving Classes
Swimmers conducts Life Saving Victoria Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion and Resuscitation courses each year. Awards up to Distinction can be examined.
Opening Hours:
The periods during the year that lessons take place correspond to the government school terms - when public schools go back our new term commences! There are no lessons conducted during school holidays and on public holidays.
Lesson or Squad / Parent & Child Session
Fees are based upon attendance at a 30 minute lesson or Parent and Child session or 1 hour Junior, Intermediate or Senior Squad by one or more members of a family* during a week.
1st. attendance in a week: $13.50 (Lesson or Squad), $10.50 (Parent & Child Session)
2nd. attendance in a week: $12.50 (Lesson or Squad), $9.50 (Parent & Child Session)
3rd. attendance in a week: $11.50 (Lesson or Squad), $8.50 (Parent & Child Session)
4th. attendance in a week: $10.50 (Lesson or Squad), $7.50 (Parent & Child Session)
Additional weekly attendances: $9.50 (Lesson or Squad), $6.50 (Parent & Child Session)
Other Classes
For prices of the DeepWater Course, Junior Development Squad and Life Saving Bronze courses please contact Swimmers.
30-36 Station Rd, Melton South 3338 Map
✆ (03) 9747 0168
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.swimmersmelton.com.au