Sweetwater Creek (Upper) Reserve Trail (Frankston South)

Sweetwater Creek is a natural waterway running from above Frankston Nature Conservation Reserve to Port Phillip Bay. Upper Sweetwater Creek Reserve provides a 5.3 hectare bushland corridor along the upper section of the creek from the Frankston Reservoir to Overport Road. Enjoy the lovely views of the creek as you walk along the tracks through the remnant heathy woodland and riparian vegetation.
There is a large range of plant communities in the reserve, from the moisture and shade loving plants found by the creek to those which prefer the dry, sandy upper slopes. Along the creek, the vegetation is dominated by Swamp Paperbark with a canopy of Swamp Gums. On the upper slopes, Narrow-leaf Peppermint and Coast Manna Gums provide the canopy sheltering a wide diversity of plants. In the remnant heathy areas, the thick middlestorey, containing mainly Prickly and Heath Tea-tree, is interspersed with Silver Banksia, Wedding Bush and Common Heath, our state emblem. The remnant grassy areas contain a mixture of grasses, lilies, sedges and rushes.
Map of Route:

Access for Dogs:
Dogs are allowed to enter provided they are on a lead and must remain on constructed pathways at all times.
Cats are prohibited in Sweetwater Creek Upper Nature Reserve.
The start point is the end of Jeremy Way in Frankston South. Head west along the fire access road and after 100m turn to the north to enter the reserve via an entrance gate. As soon as you enter the reserve there is a bridge across the creek from Lawson Avenue.
As you follow the main track through the reserve (Creek Track), you will pass an entrance point from Caladenia Circuit where there is a bin for dog poop bags. The end point is at turning circle where there is a bridge across the creek to Sycamore Road. On the way back to the car park, you can detour via Caladenia Circuit (140m). The total distance of the walk is 1.5km return.
This reserve backs onto the Frankston Nature Conservation Reserve which has some lovely walks around the Frankston Reservoir.
13N Jeremy Way, Frankston South 3199 Map