Stud Park Reserve Outdoor Gym (Rowville)

There is a gym on the east side of the tennis courts (available for hire) in a sports area next to a basketball court, shelter with tables, toilets and water tap. There is an excellent playground in the reserve.
Station #1 has a leg press, chest press and aerobic cycle.
Station #2 has an elliptical trainer, pull downs and body twist.
There are also pull-ups, multi bench and battling ropes.
There's a bike track around the basketball court.
An interesting gym component is a beep test area (which was not working when we visited). There is a device which manages the beep test.
The Beep Test is a popular running aerobic fitness test. The test involves running continuously between two lines placed 20m apart in time to recorded beeps. Start the test by standing behind one of the lines and begin running when instructed by the recording. The speed of the beep starts at a slow pace. Continue running between the two lines, turning when signalled by the beeps. After a minute, a sound indicates an increase in speed and the beeps will be closer together. This continues each minute (level). If you reach the line before the beep sounds, you must wait for the next beep before continuing. If you do not reach the line before the beep, you must try to catch up with the pace within two more beeps. If you fail to do so, you are deemed 'out'.
The instructions are:
1. Press the start button and position yourself at one of the lines.
2. You must continuously run from line to line with the 'beeps'.
3. If you reach the line early you must wait there until you hear the 'beep'.
4. You are considered 'out' when you fail to reach two lines in a row.
There is a chart next to the beep test which shows your rating based on sex, age and number of laps.
40 Fulham Road, Rowville 3178 Map