Strathdownie - Wilkin Flora and Fauna Reserve

Wilkin Flora and Fauna Reserve covers a total of 3,600 hectares with four-wheel drive and two-wheel drive track access throughout the reserve.
The area is well known for spring wildflowers, including native orchids and is also home to Mill Swamp.
Mill Swamp is an area of particular interest to bird watchers, with sightings including Magpie Geese, Blue-billed Ducks, Dusky Woodswallows, Brolgas and the endangered Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo.
In danger of extinction, the sub-species South Eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii graptogyne) is found only found in South-West Victoria and South East South Australia. These magnificent birds feed on the seeds of Brown Stringybarks and nest in old River Red Gums or Yellow Gums.
Mill Swamp is a free camp area but can be affected by fire and flood closures.
The reserve can be accessed via the Glenelg Highway between Strathdownie and Casterton. Wilkin Flora and Fauna Reserve is located along Grubbed Road, about 4.5km south of the Glenelg Highway.
Grubbed Road, Strathdownie 3312 Map
Web Links
→ Mill Swamp Camping Area (Wilkin Flora and Fauna Reserve)