Stony Creek Disc Golf (Yarraville)

The free to play course is par 28 with 9 baskets and 9 tees. The course is located in Stony Creek Reserve under the West Gate Bridge.
Be aware that in the warmer parts of the year there may be snakes in the area. Near the car park is a practice basket which has a blue border on the top.
Generally the fairways are open with trees on one side of the fairway. There is an unshaded table and seat on the course.
Take a map of the course with you, otherwise it may be difficult to know where each hole is located.

The aim of the game is to throw your disc from the tee pad into the disc catching basket in the least number of throws.
Each hole begins with a throw from a tee area.
LIE - The lie is where the disc comes to rest. Subsequent throws are made from the lie.
THROWING ORDER - The player with the lowest score on the previous hole throws first. After teeing off, the player Whose lie is the furthest from the basket throws first.
FAIRWAY THROWS - Must be made from the tie. A run-up and follow through is permitted.
PUTTING - Within 10 metres of the basket, a player is required to remain behind the lie until the disc comes to rest.
COMPLETION OF HOLE - A hole is complete when the disc comes to rest in the basket catcher or chains. On top of the basket does not count.
TREES - If the disc comes to rest in a tree, the next throw is taken from underneath with no penalty. Please be careful not to damage trees or disturb wildlife when relieving discs from trees and shrubs.
OUT OF BOUNDS - A disc is out of bounds when it lands in a designated out-of-bounds area. These include paths, fences, mulched areas and the salt marsh area adjacent to Stony Creek. A one stroke penalty is added to the score and the next throw is taken from the point where the disc went out of bounds.
- Always give right of way to other park users and activities.
- Do not throw until other players have completed the hole.
- Check the way is clear before making a throw.
- Be careful when retrieving disc from out-of-bounds areas.
- Respect the course put rubbish in bins and keep the reserve tidy.
Access for Dogs:
Dogs on-lead all times
310 Hyde Street, Yarraville 3013 Map