Stewart Crescent Reserve Playground, Stewart Crescent, Rockbank

Stewart Crescent Reserve Playground, Stewart Crescent, Rockbank

Wooden tower with dual wave slides, chain ladder, tunnel, ladders made from bars, chain bridge, fireman's pole, clock panel and steps.

Second structure with wave slide, arched walkway, steps, clock, shop front, ladder and tunnel. Also a small see-saw and swings. Shelter with two seats, sand play table and partly shaded sandpit with some toys left behind. Spinning cup with hand wheel and birds nest swing.

Stewart Crescent Reserve Playground, Stewart Crescent, Rockbank

Shelter with two tables and BBQ, water tap, outdoor gym and grassy area with AFL/rugby post.



49 Stewart Crescent,  Rockbank 3335 Map

Stewart Crescent Reserve Playground, Stewart Crescent, Rockbank49 Stewart Crescent,, Rockbank, Victoria, 3335