Station Domain Playground, Cnr Nolan St and Burns St, Maryborough

Station Domain Playground, Cnr Nolan St and Burns St, Maryborough

A very big fully fenced playground with all equipment under shade sails. An area under a huge shade sail has dual wave slides, big double sided climbing wall, long flying fox, rope ladder, monkey bars, rope spiders web climbing frame, vertical rope net climbing frame, monkey rungs, hanging disks and rope traverse with obstacles. This area also has a stand-on spinner.

Station Domain Playground, Cnr Nolan St and Burns St, Maryborough

Perched on a hillock is a wooden hut with wave slide. On the other side of the playground under shade sails are four swings, structure for younger kids with wave slide, steps, tic-tac-toe, steering wheel, seat and shop front.

Station Domain Playground, Cnr Nolan St and Burns St, Maryborough

There is also a structure for older kids with pipe shaped climbing frame, tunnel, curved slide, spiral ladder, inclined rope bridge, hanging disks, steering wheel panel, abacus, clanger to hit against pipes, clock and find your way maze.

Station Domain Playground, Cnr Nolan St and Burns St, Maryborough

In the central area is a shelter with two tables, three unshaded tables, water tap and gravel area. 50m away are toilets and there is a shaded grassy area, areas of unshaded seats and a huge sound stage.



Cnr Nolan Street and Burns Street,  Maryborough 3465 Map

Station Domain Playground, Cnr Nolan St and Burns St, MaryboroughCnr Nolan Street and Burns Street,, Maryborough, Victoria, 3465