St Arnaud Art Silos

A portraiture entitled "Hope" by local artist Kyle Torney is on the walls of the grain silos in St Arnaud.
The mural features a gold prospector and his wife and son from the 1800s gold rush era.
The artwork theme: HOPE
St Arnaud began as a gold mining settlement in 1855 and mining continued in the form of large deep underground mines until 1913 with the closure of the Lord Nelson mine.
People mine for gold with the hope of finding their long awaited fortune.
The first image on the silos portrays a miner gazing at his pan as something shiny appears amidst the swirling sand, gravel, and water. His hope may be fulfilled. If you look carefully, you may see the glint of gold in his eye.
The second image is the miner's wife with their child in the background. They are at home and for them hope is not for a fortune, but for enough to buy food and the other necessities of life.
The artist: KYLE TORNEY
Kyle Torney is a sixth generation St Arnaud resident and an artist with a unique style of street art.
His strong sense of community led him to the project. He wanted to give back to the community that has supported him by creating something that would portray the very special history of his birthplace. However, completing the project was not enough.
The 2020 Covid-19 lockdowns meant he had more time to devote to his art. He produced several street murals around the town to compliment the silo art. These artworks are proving popular with visitors and make St Arnaud the ideal starting point to commence a tour of the Silo Art Trail.
3 McMahon Street, St Arnaud 3478 Map
Web Links
→ Australian Painted Grain Silo Art Trail - St Arnaud, Victoria, Australia (YouTube)
→ Silo Art Locations in Victoria with Map