Spring School Holiday Guide for Melbourne Families (During Covid Times)

These spring school holidays will be like no other in Melbourne. We're still under severe lockdown with the following important restrictions:
- You can only catch up with one person or your household members outdoors at a time.
- You can only spend two hours per day, which can be broken up into a maximum of two sessions.
- You can only travel within 5km of your home to catch up with friends or family outdoors.
- Skate parks and other recreational sporting facilities will remain closed.
We've got more than 5000 playground reviews which cover almost every playground in Victoria. The best place to start to find a suitable playground is the Playgrouds Home Page
Make use of the extensive search facilities on the website to find a suitable activity.
Suburb Search (Find all activities/playgrounds in a suburb)
Fast Find (Quickly find all activities/playgrounds within a specified distance of a suburb)
Extended Search (Find playgrounds in a certain area with particular facilities such as shade, secure fencing, BBQ, shelter or toilets. It also offers searching based on rating)
Playground Maps (Use Google maps showing playground locations with links to the reviews)
Our friends at Only Melbourne have produced a Spring School Holiday Guide for kids activities in Melbourne over the school holiday period. Be sure to check in regularly for updates on things to do during the school holiday period. There will be a big emphasis on virtual events.
Other possible sources of activities to keep the kids entertained are:
200 Things for Families and Kids to do in Melbourne
100 FREE Activities for Families and Kids in Melbourne

Water Play Spaces in Melbourne

The Best Family Walks in Melbourne

The Best 30 Picnic Spots in Melbourne
Melbourne Street and Public Art

Exercise the dog at a Fenced Dog Park or a Dog Off Leash Area. We have more than 800 reviews of dog off leash areas. Note: Some of the fenced dog parks may be closed by the council.

Our friends who reside outside Melbourne have far fewer COVID restrictions and can travel throughout the rest of the state outside Melbourne. We've got more than a thousand activities listed for these lucky people.
Family Activity ideas in Regional Victoria

Not everything in life is free and that's where Small Ideas comes in. They provide big discounts on admission to hundreds of family friendly places around Melbourne. Check out their guide to the school holidays.