Spectator Fees at Swimming Pools

There is an increasing trend of 'spectator' fees at Melbourne's swimming pools. People who go to a pool to supervise their child, without any intention to swim, are hit with admission fee ranging from $1 to $4.
We find this very irritating and councils who have been asked about this fee by the press, don't have clear and consistent reasons for the charges. Also more and more pools are applying this charge. In the last year about 10% more pools have applied a spectator fee.
Currently 37 percent of pools in the Melbourne and Geelong area have a spectator fee. These pools currently have a spectator fee. The list is ordered by the size of the fee.
Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC): $4
Collingwood Leisure Centre: $4
Reservoir Leisure Centre: $4
Richmond Recreation Centre: $4
Coburg Olympic Swimming Pool: $3.95
Pascoe Vale Outdoor Pool: $3.95
Peninsula Aquatic Recreation Centre (PARC): $3.70
Casey Recreation & Aquatic Centre (RACE): $3.20
Doveton Pool in the Park: $3.20
Casey Aquatic and Recreation Centre (ARC): $3.20
Splash Aqua Park & Leisure Centre (Craigieburn): $3
Dandenong Oasis Leisure Centre: $3
WaterMarc Banyule: $3
Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre: $3
Melton Waves Leisure Centre: $3
Noble Park Aquatic Centre: $3
Northcote Aquatic Centre: $3
Sunbury Aquatic & Leisure Centre: $3
Wyndham Leisure & Events Centre (AquaPulse): $2.90
Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre (GESAC): $2.50
Highett Waves Leisure Centre: $2.50
Werribee Outdoor Pool: $2.30
Harold Holt Swim Centre: $2.20
Monash Aquatic & Recreation Centre: $2.20
Oakleigh Recreational Centre: $2.20
Olinda Outdoor Pool: $2.20
Doug Ellis Pool (Monash University): $2
Cowes Outdoor Pool: $2
Mill Park Leisure Centre: $2
Cardinia LiFE (Pakenham): $2
Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre: $2
Sunshine Leisure Centre: $2
Thomastown Recreation & Aquatic Centre (TRAC): $2
Bacchus Marsh Swimming Pool: $1.60
Clayton Aquatics & Health Club: $1
Crib Point Pool: $1
Pelican Park Recreation Centre (Hastings): $1