Southern Suburbs Orchid Society (Moorabbin)

The Southern Suburbs Orchid Society was formed in 1992 by a small group of orchid enthusiasts from the Bayside area of south east Melbourne.
The objectives to which our Society adheres to are:
- Promote amongst members and the general public, the appreciation and culture of orchids.
- Develop affiliations and friendly relations with orchid clubs and societies both within Australian and world-wide.
- Present flowering show and displays.
- Foster the continued development of all types of orchids.
- Encourage the propagation of endangered species of orchids particularly those of Australia.
- Endorse the conservatoire of the orchids of Australia in their natural habitat and to discourage destruction of the same.
Opening Hours:
The Southern Suburbs Orchid Society meets on the first Wednesday of each month (except January). Meetings are held at N.G.Wishart Senior Citizens Hall in Moorabbin. The night starts at 7.30 p.m. with 'The Early Session' for members. The main meeting begins at 8.00 p.m. Features include an invited guest speaker, talking on advanced Orchid culture. A flowering competition is held at each meeting. with members bringing in their flowering plants to exhibit.
964 Nepean Highway, Moorabbin 3189 Map
✆ 0400 889 739
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Southern Suburbs Orchid Society Inc. on Facebook
→ Orchid Societies Council of Victoria (OSCOV)
→ Orchid Societies Council of Victoria (OSCOV)