Southern Peninsula Concert Band (Rosebud)

Southern Peninsula Concert Band is a community concert band based in Rosebud.
The Southern Peninsula Concert Band is a not-for-profit community band with a long, proud history of service to the Mornington Peninsula. Our regular performances include Anzac Day Parades, Christmas Carol Concerts, Retirement Village Performances and Community Market Day appearances.
Our Mission as a community convert band is to promote the enjoyment of performing music in a friendly, social environment consistent with community expectations and needs and also to provide a public service in the form of musical entertainment to the residents of the Mornington Peninsula and surrounds.
Opening Hours:
The band rehearses every Friday night except school holidays from 8:00pm to 10:00 pm (with 15 minute break at 9:00 pm for tea, coffee and biscuits) Anyone welcome!
The Band Hall is on the foreshore, next to the Sound Shell, Village Green, Nepean Hwy. Rosebud (opposite Sixth Avenue)
994 Point Nepean Road, Rosebud 3939 Map
✆ 0408 509 275 / 0414 347 519
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Southern Peninsula Concert Band on Facebook