South Eastern Standardbred Riding Group (SE Melbourne)

The Standardbred Riding Group was formed by a group of Standy owners passionate about promoting the Standardbred Horse and dispelling the misconceptions and prejudices associated with them. They wanted to prove that this wonderful breed was more than just a race horse or a trail riding horse. That with the right education they can do anything. And so the Standardbred Riding Group of Central VIC was established and became affiliated with the Horse Riding Clubs Association of Victoria (HRCAV). The news of the club spread and Standy owners in areas all over Vic wanted to be a part of it. And so the South Eastern branch of Standardbred Riding Group was founded by a similarly like minded group.
As part of our group's activities some of us aim to promote the Standardbred by competing in various competitions including Dressage, Showjumping, Showing, Nav Rides and even Combined Training and Horse Trials!
We are also a fun group of people and we get together once a month (normally the 3rd Sunday) for instructional rallies with Standy friendly instructors. The aim is for Standy owners to get together and share experiences and help support eachother in our equestrian endeavours.
We are very laid back and friendly and we welcome members of all ages and riding abilities. The only conditions are that you must ride a pure-bred Standy or a registered part-bred... and you MUST be friendly and ready for a chin wag during lunch!
We aim to keep this a fun and happy club for all members to relax and enjoy and most importantly have a great time with our wonderful Standardbreds and show that these awesome horses can do absolutely anything!
✆ 0417 359 550
Web Links
→ South Eastern Standardbred Riding Group on Facebook (Public group)