Sorrento Croquet Club (Portsea)

Sorrento Croquet Club is a fun friendly club. We are very privileged to have our courts and club house at the historic Point Nepean National Park Quarantine Station, Portsea.
Fantastic views at a pristine and very historical site. Play croquet and watch the dolphins and ships pass through the Heads. Two "A" courts and one "B".
We welcome visiting Clubs to a friendly competitive game of Golf Croquet, Ricochet or Association.
We are very active club and not only enjoy Croquet, but also social and fun activities.
Visitors - If you would like to play, we supply all equipment (bring your own flat soled shoes). $5.00 Green Fee for non members (3 play day limit). We supply FREE and EASY tuition and morning tea.
Location - Parade Ground, Port Nepean National Park Portsea. Follow Point Nepean Road through Portsea for another 750 metres until it reaches the entrance to Point Nepean National Park. Follow signs to visitor centre and car park. Walk about 200 metres on gravel path to the clubhouse which is on the right-hand side buildings near the Parks Victoria Administration Building.
Port Nepean National Park, Defence Road, Portsea 3944 Map
✆ 0488 484 151
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