Sing Australia Blackburn North (Nunawading)

We are a group of people who love to sing for fun and friendship. There are no auditions and there is no need to read music or learn words. We sing a variety of songs and there are opportunities to perform for community organisations.
When you join a Sing Australia group, you are welcomed with open arms and ears to sing in any way you are able. We believe that singing is for everybody who has a voice - it s a primal expression connecting us to each other, our history, our stories, our struggles, our memories and our future hopes. Every voice is beautiful and is cherished in Sing Australia. Studies have shown that singing releases endorphins that can give us energy and lower stress levels and that singing together contributes to our experience of well-being, social inclusion and connection. Your Sing Australia group connects you to others in your community, giving you the opportunity to build new friendships and support networks. In Sing Australia, we value and promote these health and well-being benefits and believe we can be a great source of positivity, health and joy in your life.
There are Sing Australia groups throughout Melbourne.
264 Springvale Road, Nunawading 3131 Map
✆ 0414 484 080
Email Enquiry
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→ Sing Australia on Facebook