Shearwater Reserve Playground, Pinnacle Way, Cowes

Shearwater Reserve Playground, Pinnacle Way, Cowes

Thinly spread-out play equipment like a balding head - it could do with a comb-over. A medium sized rope climbing frame, beetle springer, two other springers of an unknown animal species (where is David Attenborough when you need him?), slanting circular spinning donut, stand-on spinner, spinning cup and structure with dual wave slides, slanted climbing wall, shopfront and vertical rope net.

Shelter with two tables and three seats, three unshaded seats around the playground area, water tap and nice sized grassy area surrounded by an oval concrete path suitable for bikes.



Pinnacle Way,  Cowes 3922 Map

Shearwater Reserve Playground, Pinnacle Way, CowesPinnacle Way,, Cowes, Victoria, 3922