Sassafras Creek Forest Trail (Sassafras - Emerald)

Sassafras Creek's pure fresh spring water flows in its natural state through Kallista, Monbulk and onwards to Woori Yallock Creek.
Surrounding the creek is a spectacular forest, forming a linear corridor encompassing valuable flora and fauna.
The Sassafras Creek Reserve holds many treasures: lush fern gullies, the endangered Slender Tree Fern, mosses, lichen, fungi, aromatic Sassafras trees, towering Mountain Ash and delicate ground covers. Home to a diversity of fauna, Superb Lyrebirds, Freshwater Crays, Blackfish, Feathertail Gliders, Dusky Antichinus and several owl species - to name a few.
Take a hike along the 13 km Sassafras Creek Forest Trail from Sassafras to Emerald to experience the beauty and serenity of our natural environment.
The trail starts in Sassafras where the creek crosses under the Mount Dandenong Tourist Road and continues southwards beside the The Sassafras Creek Road. Continue along the path of Creek Road, Monbulk Road, Emerald-Monbulk Road until the trail ends in Emerald.
This track is part of the Dandenong Ranges Tourist Track. The 17 kilometre long track meanders and criss-crosses the cool, clear waters of the Sassafras, Woori Yallock and Menzies Creeks.
We walked a small part of the trail (1km length). We started at the junction of Old Emerald Road and Emerald-Monbulk Road in Emerald where there is a carpark for 12 cars and two shaded tables. We walked west following the Woori Yallock Creek through an area of tree ferns. As you walk you can hear the noise of both the creek and traffic noise. We passed David Hill Road and turned back after reaching the intersection of Willis Road. The route is easy to follow since it runs parallel to the road and there are pink ribbons on trees along the route. There were some mosquitos and leeches.
411 Mount Dandenong Tourist Road, Sassafras 3787 Map
Web Links
→ Dandenong Ranges Tourist Track