Sandridge Bridge with The Travellers Artwork (Melbourne)

The Travellers is an artwork on the Sandridge pedestrian bridge over the Yarra River which connects between Flinders Street railway station and Southbank.
Years ago in a previous incarnation, the Sandridge Bridge transported thousands of new arrivals from Station Pier to Flinders Street Station and new lives beyond. After a lengthy stint as a ramshackle eyesore, it was relaunched in 2006 as a pedestrian bridge and work of art entitled: The Travellers. As the towering steel sculptures slowly slide across the Yarra (three times a day), they literally and figuratively represent the journey made by migrants from all over the world and celebrate their many contributions to the state. Meanwhile, the sculpture fixed to the river bank represents the existing Koorie community and their enduring presence.
There are glass panels between the figures which list the originating countries and number of Melbourne immigrants.
Flinders Walk, Melbourne 3000 Map
Web Links
→ Travellers Fact Sheet (PDF)