Salisbury Circuit Playground, Herne Hill

Salisbury Circuit Playground, Herne Hill

The playground is set in a fairly isolated location and is built around a long depression. There's a tall tower with great tunnel side which can only be reached by a tall metal ladder or talk rope ladder (sorry young kids).

Also a see-saw, birds nest swing, two in-ground trampolines, small but steep wave slide, rope bridge, log and stump balance circuit and two swings.

Shelter with two tables and next to an oval with AFL goal posts at both ends. Be careful - the coloured surface is very slippery when damp. There is a concrete path running around the oval for bikes.



68 Salisbury Circuit,  Herne Hill 3218 Map

Salisbury Circuit Playground, Herne Hill68 Salisbury Circuit,, Herne Hill, Victoria, 3218