Sailors Falls Mineral Spring

Sailors Falls spring was discovered during the fairly short burst of mining in Sailors Creek following John Egan's discovery of gold at Wombat Flat in 1851. The creek was believed to have been named by former sailors mining in the area. The original Sailors Falls Reserve, which includes the falls and mineral springs, was in dispute from 1886 intermittently until 1980. Quarrying, timber-felling and illegal building occurred within the reserve and a church was built above it, only to be torn down again later. The present reserve was not established until 1980.
Facilities include car parking, toilets, shelter with picnic tables and seats, BBQ, walking tracks and views of the Sailors Falls.
How To Get There
Take the Ballan/Melbourne road from the Daylesford Post Office roundabout. After 8km you will see the Sailors Falls Reserve on the right which has a very large wrought-iron open notice. Follow the concrete path, which has steps and hand-rails, down to the valley floor. Then walk downstream along the earthen path and cross the bridge. Sailors Falls Mineral Spring A is a piped spring set in a concrete/stone depression on the right, while Sailors Falls Mineral Spring B lies 10m further along on the left.
Access for Dogs:
Dogs are permitted on leash.
For more information about mineral springs in Victoria, see "From The Spa Country, A Field Guide to 65 Mineral Springs of the Central Highlands, Victoria", published by Edward and Maura Wishart
2430 Ballan-Daylesford Road, Sailors Falls 3461 Map