Rye Bowls Club

The Rye Bowls Club is fondly known around the area as 'The Friendly Club'. We welcome all new members and regularly celebrate with social events.
There are games throughout the week and the club has one synthetic green and one grass green.
Barefoot Bowls
Rye Bowls Club has the best barefoot bowls on the Peninsula! The season starts in early November and continues most Thursday's until late March.
Come along and join in, everyone is welcome. The fun starts at 6pm when you are taught the basics, or for the experienced 'barefooters', continue to hone yours skills.
At about 7pm things hot up when everyone joins in a competition, where the emphasis is on having fun. Sledging is not only allowed... it's encouraged!
Around 8.30pm everyone gets together in the club room for supper and the awarding of the night's prizes.
All age groups are welcome and we love seeing family's take part.
During the season we run a few theme nights, i.e. 'Hawaiian Night', 'Rock and Roll Night' and 'Irish Night' and everyone is encouraged to dress up. These nights are always a lot of fun with a special supper provided to suit the occasion.
So if you are thinking about giving Barefoot Bowls a go, just front up one Thursday night and you are guaranteed a great time!
18 Napier Street, Rye 3941 Map
✆ (03) 5985 2450
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ ryebowlsclub.com.au
→ Rye Bowls Club on Facebook