Rye Beach Dog Off Leash Area (Rye)

Rye Beach, which has a foreshore reserve which backs the entire beach, begins at White Cliffs and runs past the 300 m long Rye Jetty, almost due east for 4 km.
The dog off leash area is a sandy beach between Daly Avenue and Shirlow Avenue which is 200m wide.
Access for Dogs:
During Daylight Savings
- Dogs are prohibited from the beach between 9am and 7pm.
- Leash free from 7pm to 9am the next day.
All Other Times of the Year
- Leash free at all times.
On leash dogs are permitted on the Bay Trail at all times. The "leash-free" beach does NOT include vegetated parts of the foreshore reserve.
Photos of Rye Beach:
2385 Point Nepean Road, Rye 3941 Map
Web Links
→ Rye Beach (BeachSafe)