Ruffey Lake Park Dog Off Leash Area (Doncaster)

Ruffey Lake Park is huge (68 hectares) and includes some areas which are on leash, but most of the park is off leash. The north east area of the park where Victoria Street adventure playground, Church Road BBQ area and Quarry Amphitheatre are located is on leash. The whole western part of the park, except around the Boulevarde playground, and the southern part (south of the creek) are off leash. This includes King Street Hill, Botanic Hill, McCallum Road Hill and Waldan Hill.
There are two paths which go around and through the reserve. The longer, more strenuous, partly unsealed Hill Tops Outer Path Circuit is 3.6km and is a 45 minute walk while the mostly sealed Ruffey Creek Inner Path Circuit is 2.7km long and takes about 30 minutes. Both paths are well sign posted. All paths are shared by walkers and cyclists, with walkers having right -of-way. Walkers should keep to the left side of paths.
The park has huge grassy areas, plenty of paths and there are bins and seats regularly scattered around the park. There are lots of birds such as cockatoos and galahs.
Humans are not permitted to swim in Ruffey Lake.
Dog swimming is also discouraged as there is a high potential for water contamination by harmful bacteria from stormwater sources. If the dogs must go into the water please stick to the rock beaches to prevent erosion of the banks. There are some waterholes away from the main lake where dogs often have a dip. If you let your dog swim, please prevent your dog from contacting others, and wash your dog and your hands as soon as possible.
Please don't feed the ducks. Bread and bird seed don't contain the nutrients needed to keep the Pacific Black Ducks and other native birds healthy. Bread also attracts pests such as foxes, rats mice, wasps, and feral fish such as carp and mosquito fish. Native ducks can also die from botulism after eating rotting food.
Map of Off-Leash Areas:

60 The Boulevarde, Doncaster 3108 Map
Web Links
→ Map of Ruffey Lake Paths and Dog Off Leash Areas (PDF)