Royal Park (MacArthur Road) Dog Off Leash Area (Parkville)

Royal Park has three off-leash areas - the main off leash area is south of MacArthur Road and there are two smaller areas in the northern part of the park at Poplar Oval and McPherson Field.
This off-leash area, south of MacArthur Road, is a large circular area surrounded by a multi-use path. Inside the circle, which is Native grasslands, is on-leash while the area around the circle is off-leash. This off-leash area is about 70m wide and is grass dotted with trees. In total it is a very large area. There are a number of access points including a path leading in from around 150 Gatehouse Street. Free parking can be a bit difficult to find but it is possible. Dogs are prohibited from the Australian Native Garden. Toilets are located here and there are some bins but no water taps.

154 Gatehouse Street, Parkville 3052 Map
Web Links
→ Royal Park self-guided loop walk, Parkville (Walking Maps)