Ross Reserve Athletics Track (Noble Park)

The track is open to the public except when the Springvale Little Athletics Club is using the track (Fridays from 5pm - 10pm from late November to late March).
There is a 400m synthetic track and some long jump pits in the central grassy area but there are no throwing cages.
Ross Reserve is a large district park with extensive sporting facilities and passive recreation areas. The park has two playgrounds, three sporting ovals, a sealed athletic running track and the Noble Park Skate Park. The Noble Park Community Centre and Noble Park Aquatic Centre (NPAC) are also located in the park.
The park has large open areas for general use with BBQs and picnic facilities close by.
9 Memorial Drive, Noble Park 3174 Map
Web Links
→ Springvale Little Athletics Centre (Noble Park)
→ Ross Reserve (Greater Dandenong Council)