Rochester Murals

Rochester has many murals scattered throughout the town and also has a dedicated Mural Park containing murals created as part of the annual Rochester Mural Festival.

Rochester Murals Map

Download the Rochester Mural map

1 West Side of Secondary College (Cnr Northern Highway & George Street)

Le Cirque des Artists by Jon Lam (Theme: The Circus of Life) (2017)

Rochester Murals

Times of Change by John Stevens (Theme: Times of Change) (2016)

Rochester Murals

Sunset on the Campaspe by Alicia Huddy (Theme: Rochester: past present or future) (2020)

Rochester Murals

2 Around Primary School (Cnr George Street & Edward Street)

Choose Whisky by Malcom Nicholson (Theme: The Circus of Life) (2017)

Rochester Murals

From Beans to Bucks by Joyce Dempsey and Maryann Jenkins (Theme: Times of Change) (2016)

Rochester Murals

Hot Shot by Judy Sens (Theme: The Circus of Life) (2017)

Rochester Murals

Into the Coloured Sky by Susan Greentree (Theme: Ride Like the Wind) (2015)

Rochester Murals

EYE by Frances Wregg & Georgina Roberts (Theme: Our Country Life) (2019)

Rochester Murals

Yarn Bomb by Kristen Scherlies (Theme: Our Country Life) (2019)

Rochester Murals

4 Silo Area and Back of Bakery by Jimmy D'Vate & Damian Cazaly (Cnr Northern Highway and Echuca Road)

Rochester Murals

5 Rochester Tyres & Nelson Motors (14 Moore Street)

Changes in Life by Wei Luan & Kathleen Watson (Theme: Times of Change) (2016)

Rochester Murals

Made in Australia by Kerry Nicholson (Theme: Nature, her beauty & bounty) (2018) x2 murals

Rochester Murals

Rochester Murals

6 Mural Park - All of the current years murals and first prize winners (19 Moore Street)
7 Ag Warehouse wall (Cnr Northern Highway & Fraser Street)

Mother Nature, our greatest performer by Kirby Sens (Theme: The Circus of Life) (2017)

Rochester Murals

8 Back of Chemist Shop by Jon Lam (approximately 38 McKay Street)

Going up Country by Jon Lam (Theme: Our Country Life) (2019)

Rochester Murals

9 Iddles Lane by Tim Bowtell (13 Gillies Street)

10 Back of IGA by Jon Lam (10 Gillies Street)

Rapture in Blue by Jon Lam (Theme: Nature, her beauty & bounty) (2018)

Rochester Murals

11 The Cafe Rochester (Inside, 61 MacKay Street)

Inception to prospective by Susan Greentree (Theme: Rochester: past present or future) (2020)

Rochester Murals

12 Ellsworth Lane + the (Near 67 MacKay Street)

Role Up, Role Up by Ellsworth Overton (Theme: The Circus of Life) (2017)

Rochester Murals

First mural in Rochester by Antonea Ruudis

Rochester Murals

13 River Walk (Near 131 MacKay Street)

by Karrin Thurston, Steven Spence (2015)

Rochester Murals

14 High Street area (2 murals at Ampol Servo, 38 Bridge Road)

The giving of gifts by Paul Scott (Theme: Nature, her beauty & bounty) (2018)

Rochester Murals

A kind of blue by Steve Monk (Theme: Nature, her beauty & bounty) (2018)

Rochester Murals

15 Darby's Shed (Cnr Lowry Street and Francis Street)

Wakeda Banga (Wild Ride) by Kerry Nicholson (Theme: Ride Like the Wind) (2015)

Rochester Murals

16 Paul Evans Engineering (97 Lowry Street)

Earth's Generous Gifts by Ellsworth Overton (Theme: Our Country Life) (2019)

Rochester Murals

EYE by Jarrad Martyn (Theme: Our Country Life) (2019)

Rochester Murals

17 Rochester Caravan Park (2 Pascoe Street)

Various murals by John Stevens (3x murals) in 2015

Rochester Murals

Rochester Murals

Rochester Murals

18 Rochester Hospital Grounds (1 Pascoe Street)

We did it together by Murray Ross & Jill Conway (Theme: It changed our world) (2021)

Rochester Murals

Ride like the wind by Damian Cazaly (Theme: Ride Like the Wind) (2015)

Rochester Murals

You can't hold back the tide by Kerry & Malcolm Nicholson (Theme: Times of Change) (2016)

Rochester Murals

Adapting to change by Ellsworth Overton (Theme: Times of Change) (2016)

Rochester Murals

19 Criterion Hotel, South wall Look in Milkshake Lane Cafe. (49 McKay Street)

Practicing Gratitude by Kerryn Finch (Theme: It changed our world) (2021)

Rochester Murals

Morning after the B&S Ball by Steve Monk (Theme: Our Country Life) (2019)

Rochester Murals

20 East side of Secondary College by K Scherlies (Kindergarten, Edward Street)
21 Riverside Holiday Park (On shed at right side of entrance, 1 Church Street)

Despite despair, Nature flourished by by Wendy P Scott (Theme: It changed our world) (2021)

Rochester Murals

22 Cnr Kerford & Everard Streets (Cnr Kerford Street & Everard Street)
by Rebecca Murray and Grahame Wilson

Rochester Murals


Rochester Murals, Rochester, Victoria, 3561