Ringwood Croquet Club

If you are someone who would enjoy a mentally challenging activity with low impact that takes you outdoors, you may like to give croquet a try at Ringwood.
Croquet is a sport that is growing in popularity. It is played by people of all ages, with many of the top players aged under 40. The aim of the game is, not only to hit balls through hoops, but to play a strategic game with tactics similar to Chess. Although our club plays socially, we also play competitively at the inter-club level. All games, however, engender a friendly sense of rivalry.
You are welcome to come along and enjoy an obligation-free opportunity to see what it is all about at a time convenient to both you and the club.
At Ringwood, we play both Association and Golf Croquet, and we field teams in the Eastern Metropolitan Pennant and Shield inter-club competitions (in Autumn and Spring). In addition, individual members frequently compete in tournaments at other clubs throughout Victoria and, less often, interstate.
Whilst members can play on any day of the week provided the lawns are free of both our annual intra-club championships and the inter-club seasonal competitions, the regular days on which members play socially are Tuesdays and Saturdays (morning, afternoon or both). In addition, twilight play is organised on selected Thursdays during the Summer months.
Gardini Avenue, Ringwood 3134 Map
✆ (03) 9870 6151 / 0439 784 573
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→ Ringwood Croquet Club