Riddells Creek Tennis Club

Riddells Creek Tennis Club is a friendly, local tennis club which offers mixed, ladies, men's, junior social and competition teams. Coaching is also available.
The club is a member of Macedon Ranges Tennis Association (MRTA) with teams competing on Wednesday (Women's) and Thursday evenings and junior teams competing on Friday nights and Saturday mornings.
The club also participates in the Mountain District Ladies Tennis Association (MDLTA) with teams competing on Tuesday mornings.
The Club has 6 hard courts located inside the Riddells Creek Recreation Reserve which can be accessed via the Recreation Reserve main gates.
32 Sutherlands Road, Riddells Creek 3431 Map
✆ 0409 133 448
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ play.tennis.com.au/RiddellsCreekTennisClub
→ Riddells Creek Tennis Club on Facebook