Recreational Fishing & Waterways (Grampians North West Region)

Experience the Grampians fishing trail including Lake Wartook, Lake Toolondo and Rocklands Reservoir which are all located within a short drive from Horsham where you can purchase all your supplies and services.
Enjoy diverse, year-round recreational fishing all across the region from freshwater rivers, lakes and reservoirs which provide good catches from the shore or boat, with the most commonly caught species being trout, redfin, Murray cod and golden perch.
Map of Fishing Locations

Lake Toolondo (Reservoir)
Toolondo has always been favourite for Trout and Redfin with outstanding catches being regularly reported. The reservoir offers great fishing whether you are into fly fishing, bait or lure fishing. The majority of fish, including trout, are taken by boat fishing around trees with bait such as worms, gudgeon and yabbies or by spinning in open waters. The lake is also popular for swimming and boating activities.
At the northern end there is a boat ramp and toilets. Camping facilities are available, including a privately operated park on the eastern shore. The reservoir is subject to low water levels.
Rocklands Reservoir
The reservoir is a well-known waterway for its various tourist activities and attractions. Constructed during the 1950s, the Rocklands Reservoir is one popular site for fishing and boating activities, as the lake boasts a good variety of fish species including Trout and Redfin. It is currently the second largest lake in Victoria.
There is good stretch of bank fishing near the dam wall. However, a boat is necessary to reach the more remote areas of the dam. The tranquil waters of Rocklands contain flooded forest and submerged logs and boat users should exercise extreme care and be alert for sub-merged logs.
Note: Boating is prohibited within 200 metres of the dam wall. Boat ramps are located at Rocklands wall, Hynes, Glendinning, Fergusons and Mountain Dam. Small boats can be launched around the shoreline. Guests looking for a venue to water-ski and canoeing. Rocklands area is also known for its abundant wild flowering plants and trails. In spring, you will find a range of flower shows hosted in this area. Also, enjoy a scenic walk across the stony pathways near the hill ranges on the craggy landscape.
Lake Wartook (Reservoir)
Located in the Grampians National Park is bordered by the majestic mountain ranges in the backdrop. The reservoir is also one of the largest and renowned lakes in the entire region of the Grampians. Lake Wartook is an anglers heaven for catching Brown Trout and Redfin, the picturesque lake is the oldest rural reservoir in Victoria.
The water at Lake Wartook is clear, there is a small island known as Bear Island just east of the middle of the lake. The eastern side of the lake is shallower with extensive weed beds and a good spot to soak a mudeye or fly-fishing from a boat. The middle of the lake near the wall is very deep and a good spot to drift for the local Redfin. Maximum boat speed is 8 knots.
Fishing off the wall is permitted and provides comfortable bank fishing. The wall is a popular bank fishing spot due to its close proximity to the picnic facilities and car park. Many fishermen use unweighted scrub worms off the wall and fish with an open bail arm. Live minnow and mud eye suspended under a bubble float are also popular baits.
Trolling lures is also very popular and productive due to the clarity of the water. Brighter lures seem to do a little better and deep divers will account for redfin and trout during summer when the surface gets a little too warm. When the lake is at capacity, the east and west bank floods into low lying bushy areas and the fly-fishing can be fantastic.
Wimmera River
Flows through Horsham with its gum trees lining the banks. The river provides good fishing from yellowbelly to redfin, catfish, golden perch and Murray cod, along with the odd silver perch and many carp of all sizes. The river is famous for its fishing competition held in March on the Labour Day Long Weekend being the largest and richest of it's type in Australia. It is the only place in Victoria where you can legally catch and possess two freshwater catfish over 30 centimetres. The Horsham Weir and Riverside areas are also well know for its fishing spots. Fish bait used are yabbies, worms and peeled yabby tails.
Green Lake
The gateway to Horsham, this public recreation reserve has boat ramps, picnic facilities, barbecues etc. The lake is surrounded by farmland and is located immediately adjacent to the Western Highway. Green Lake is very popular with the Horsham residents for all general water-based recreation being the ideal lake for swimming, windsurfing, water skiing and fishing. It has one of the regions most productive native fishing waters in the region, it has good fishing for Murray Cod, Golden Perch and Redfin.
Taylors Lake
Located approximately, 20km south-east of Horsham and can be reached via the Western Highway or Horsham Lubeck Road. The lake's importance as a local fishery was first recognised in 1932, when the first consignment of Murray Cod from the Murray River was released into the lake it was known as the most popular Murray Cod waters in Victoria. Taylors Lake is used for boating, water skiing and swimming, and provides good fishing for Redfin and Golden Perch as well as Murray Cod.
Natimuk Lake
This is a shallow lake surrounded by flat agricultural land and is usually very shallow or dry. When conditions are suitable, it provides very good fishing for Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout and Redfin and is renowned for Yabbies. Good bank fishing with worms and spinners, a nature lover's paradise. The lake is popular for all kinds of water activities and has a plenitude of wildlife, which includes the rare freckled duck, pelicans, spoonbills, cranes and many more.