Ranelagh Scout Group (1st) (Mount Eliza)

Ranelagh Scout Group (1st) (Mount Eliza)

1st Ranelagh Scout Group has a Joey scout mob (age range: 5-7), Cub scout pack (age range: 8-10), Scout troop (age range: 11-14) and Venturer unit (age range: 15-17).

The scout hall is located at JH Butler Reserve in Mount Eliza.

Scouting is all about the healthy development of young people, preparing them for a constructive and active life ahead.

From the time they start school, children as young as five can become Joey Scouts. Older children and teens can join us along the way, even if they haven't been involved in Scouting before.

Scouts are aged from 5 to 25, and adventurous adults of any age are always welcome as new leaders.


4 Ranelagh Drive,  Mount Eliza 3930 Map

Email Enquiry

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Ranelagh Scout Group (1st) (Mount Eliza)4 Ranelagh Drive,, Mount Eliza, Victoria, 3930