Rainbow Murals

Widely known for its colourful historical murals which cluster in and around Federal Street, Rainbow also has indoor murals worth a visit.
The traveller should also allocate 15 minutes to travel to Yaapeet where the splendid pictorial acknowledgement of the heritage of our early pioneers can be found along with the primary school artworks. En-route, the large three panel roadside mural depicting the history of Lake Albucutya is the ideal spot to stop for a cuppa and sandwich.
Some 12km south of Rainbow on the Rainbow-Jeparit Road, the Geppert's Gate mural is close to a preserved fragment of the 1880's vermin-proof fence separating the Wimmera from the Mallee.

Outdoor murals 1 - 16 are within the general Federal Street area, and are easily accessible on foot for close viewing at any time. Indoor sites can be accessed at the times and locations shown below.
Public toilets are located at the Mecca, disabled toilets at Schillings Service Station near "The Rainbow Arch" and at the Old Court House.
1. Centenary of Rail to Rainbow. 1999, Station Street (West end of Federal Street) Represents one of the first passenger trains into into Rainbow Station, then sited west of the mural on the other side of the railway line.
2. Modern Grain Train. 1999, Station Street Depicts a grain train travelling through mallee country, a key transport mode for this most important product of our area. Designed and painted as a companion to the above mural to celebrate the rail centenary.
3. Commonwealth Hotel, 1990, Station Street Located opposite (1) on the site of the former hotel. The mural captures the grand old building as it stood before it was demolished.
4. First Passenger Train, 1999, "Rainbow Magee Books", Federal Street (inside) Originally used as the stage backdrop for the 'Centenary of Rail' concert in the Civic Centre. Accessible during business hours. Owner Robert is happy to show you around.
5. International Year of Volunteers, 2001, Butter Factory Lane, east wall, Civic Centre The Mural features the work of fire-fighters, environmental work, educators. It also pays tribute to local volunteer organisations through the depiction of their logos, badges and symbols.
6. Hay Wagon, 1997, Federal Street, east wail of Milk Bar The work of two Secondary College students, the mural harks back to the slower-paced days of our farming past.
7. Rock-crushing, 1997, Federal Street. West Lane opposite Butchery In pre-mechanisation days, tasks like rock-crushing were accomplished through slow and arduous work involving the services of the faithful horse.
8. Farm animals, approx 1930s, Butchery, Federal Street Painted in the English style of the 19th century, these charming six panels depict the foundations of the butchery business - pigs, sheep, cattle. Shaw also painted floral bouquets on the walls of the empty former cafe across the lane, now sadly long overpainted. Under restoration.
9. Flour Mill, 1993, Federal Street adjacent to Post Office The mural depicts the flour mill buildings as they used to be. The cement silo of the mill still stands near the railway line in Bow Street, a 5 minute walk from here.
10. View of our Federal Street, 1992, King Street, opposite Eureka Hotel Including the former Eureka Hotel and National Bank, the mural features the general merchant premise of A.G. Strauss. A compete view today is possible from the central Gardens area.
11. Saw-Milling, 1996. Bakery Lane, off Federal Street, on west wail of Cock's Bakery The mural shows the role of horses and steam power in the early saw-milling operations in the district.
12 Mallee-clearing, area map, 1998, Pasco Lane, off Federal Street, on east wall Depicting the early days of scrub clearing with the mallee-roller.
13. Original 1950's Fundraiser Commemoration, 2002, Swimming Pool, Park Street The mural depicts the 'Queen' competition which raised money to build the pool.
14. Mechanics Institute 1912-1979, 2003, Gardens under the Arch, Federal Street Donated by the Art Group, the mural was unveiled on Australia Day 2003 and depicts the view from near this spot locking across to Darts Avenue some 70 years ago. Several of the buildings still exist.
15. Fantasy Story Theme, 2002, Shelter Shed, Primary School, Bow Street Decommissioned due to relocation of school to new site.
16. Centenary of Federation, 2001, Old Court House, now Learning Centre (indoor) Now in the Learning Centre (corner of King and Eddy Streets, a 5 minute walk from the Eureka Hotel), this 4 panel mural was first prepared for the Hindmarsh Shire Float which took part in the Federation Centenary Parade in Melbourne in 2001. It shows the original landscape, the lake environment, cropping and livestock activities. View the outdoor student playground mural too nearby.
17. District Life, 1980-1981, Secondary College Hal (indoor), Albert Street The college ls less than 10 minutes walk from the Eureka Hotel. The two panels depict major aspects of district life, including sport. Accessible in school hours.
18. Rainbow Recreation Reserve, South Wall Ambulance Station, 2008 Student initiated mural depicting recreational activities over the years.
19. The Albacutya Panels, 1999, Wayside, Hopetoun Road Located less than 10 minutes drive north of Rainbow, the murals feature Lake Albacutya prior to European Settlement, the Albacutya homestead (now restored and preserved in the Jeparit museum), with farming, bushranging and an illustrated area map. Being updated.
20. Yaapeet, Pioneer Days, 1999, Byrne Street Bus Shelter All of he power and majesty of those gallant working horses, and the dignity and endeavour of our early rural pioneers is captured in this extensive wraparound mural, the work of Yaapeet's own artists.
21. Yaapeet, Outdoor Artworks, 2002 onwards, Primary School Led by Jan Edelsten, the 2001/2 student-produced pathways mosaic sets off the animal and nature ceramics, mobiles, extensive tile wall and portrait mural. View during school hours.
22. Gepperts Gate, Readside, 10kms South of Rainbow on Jeparit Road, 2004 Painted by the Art Group. It draws together some "Vermin-proof fence" scenes typical of activity at the gate in the 1890's.
23. Wheatstacks, Railway Yards, 2006 The horse and wagon era is re-captured in this charming depiction of times past.
Federal Street, Rainbow 3424 Map
Web Links
→ Rainbow Murals Brochure (PDF)