Quiet Corner Beach (Black Rock)

Quiet Corner beach is a relatively natural, narrow beach with a strip of sand and an increasingly rock and reef dominated surf.
North of Ricketts Point, the coast trends north-west for 2 km to Quiet Corner. It is dominated by 10 to 20 m high, vegetated bluffs, fronted by extensive rocks and reefs.
The 100 m long Quiet Corner beach is hemmed in between two bluffs, with a seawall and walkway along the base of the bluffs. Beach Road runs along the top of the bluffs and parallels the beaches, however vehicle access is restricted to the yacht club, where there is a large car park and picnic area. Elsewhere, parking is on Beach Road, with a climb down the bluffs required to reach Quiet Corner beach.
The beach faces south-west, exposing it to periodic strong, south-west winds and waves. The waves break heavily over the reefs and there is insufficient sand to build a generally attached bar, with rip channels running along the reefs.
Swimming - Best at high tide when the rocks and reefs are covered. Dangerous when there are wind waves, owing to the dominance of reefs and rip currents.
Quiet Corner beach has a General Beach Hazard Rating of 3/10 (Least hazardous).
Steps leads down from near #355 Beach Road to a minimal beach area. A sea-wall with a concrete path beside it leads around the point to the north. When we visited, there was basically no sand in front of the sea-wall and there are big rocky outcrops where birds rest in front of the sea-wall. This area is probably called Quiet Corner because the beach is not worth trekking to. When you come down the stairs it would be better to head south to Beaumaris North beach.
Stairs also come down to the sea-wall from opposite #348 Beach Road. At this point there is a shelter with gravel floor, unshaded table and unshaded seat. There is also a second concrete path opposite #344 Beach Road which comes down to the sea-wall. Steps lead down the side of the sea-wall here into the water next to a big drain pipe. There are lots of lovely seats to rest on along here.
There is another access point to the north of the beach from opposite #338 Beach Road.

355 Beach Road, Black Rock 3193 Map
Web Links
→ Quiet Corner Beach (BeachSafe)