Quang Minh Buddhist Temple (Braybrook)

The Quang Minh Temple is recognised as one of Australia's most significant Buddhist sites and one of the largest Vietnamese temples outside of Vietnam.
Each year thousands of people from across Victoria descend for the Quang Minh Tet Festival for performances, stunning fireworks, Buddhist chants and delicious food.

The temple is a really peaceful place and the surrounding gardens are very beautiful. There are a number of statues including a giant Buddha.

All the information boards and notices are in Vietnamese but there are friendly volunteers to guide you through the temple.

Every Sunday from 10am to 1pm, they sell delicious foods (home made by volunteers), vegetables, drinks, and handmade charms and accessories at an affordable price.
Opening Hours:
9am-7pm, 7 days
18 Burke Street, Braybrook 3019 Map
✆ (03) 9312 5729
Web Links
→ www.quangminh.org.au
→ Quang Minh Temple on Facebook