Princes Park Outdoor Gym (Carlton North)

There are four fitness stations at locations corresponding to four corners of a square, each separated by about 250m. The fitness stations are located in the southern part of the park between Crawford oval and the tennis courts. There is ticketed parking in this area from 7:30am to 6:30pm on week days. The cost is about 80c per hour.
Station #1 located along Royal Parade and has warm up / cool down equipment including Achilles stretch, sit & reach, leg stretch, hamstring stretch, thigh stretch and trunk stretch.
Station #2 is located along Royal Parade and has a vault bar, sit-up and push-up bar. There is also a metal bar which can be adjusted to different heights between two metal poles.
Station #3 is located along Princes Park Drive and has two chin-up bars, step-up and body curl.
Station #4 is also located along Princes Park Drive and has a log hop, bench dip and bench curl (2x)."
Princes Park Drive, Carlton North 3054 Map