Portland - Whalers Bluff Lighthouse

Whalers Bluff Lighthouse was constructed to guide marine vessels past the dangerous Whaler's Reef into Portland Harbour.
The lighthouse and keeper's quarters was built on Battery Point in 1859 at Battery Point. In order to make way for gun emplacements on Battery Point and reduce vulnerability to attack, the lighthouse was relocated stone by stone to its current position in 1890.
The lighthouse is a 12-metre high bluestone tower painted white with a red top.
Visitors are not able to enter the lighthouse and there are no tours but can get a close view from the grounds outside which are open all year round. An information board on the door of the lighthouse gives some history and there are scenic views across the bay.
The lighthouse is located on Whalers Bluff, also known as Whalers Point, just one and a half kilometres north of the centre of Portland. It is a good spot for a picnic and there is plenty of parking available.
The information board at the lighthouse reads:
Whaler's Bluff Lighthouse - Prior to 1854 there were no lighthouses on the Victorian coast.
The lighthouse which currently stands at Whalers Bluff was initially built, with Keeper's quarters on Battery Point for a contract price 1,763 pounds and 12 shillings by Mr John Hughes.
It was first used in May 1859 and then permanently lit on 1st September, 1859.
The keepers cottage was occupied by Portland's first lightkeeper Mr John Eastman who remained lightkeeper until his death in 1881.
In 1889 the battery emplacement was commenced, and in 1890 the lighthouse and associated buildings were moved stone by stone to the north bluff (now known as Whalers Bluff) where would be safe from enemy fire.
The present light, 40.5m above sea level is visible for 24km and is group flashing white and red every 30 seconds.
Lighthouse Avenue, Portland 3305 Map
Web Links
→ lighthouses.org.au/vic/whalers-bluff-lighthouse
→ vintagevictoria.net.au/whalers-bluff-lighthouse-portland