Portland Powerhouse Motor & Car Museum

The Museum features veteran, vintage and classic cars, motorcycles, a Penny Farthing bicycle, stationary engines, signs, models, a 1920s Cable Tram and Grip car, tractors and general motoring memorabilia.
There are also interactive displays for the children including a moving steam engine, and two sectioned, push button operated motors, a Holden 6 cyl grey motor and a Mazda rotary.
Opening Hours:
The Museum is open daily 10 am to 4 pm. Closed Christmas Day, Good Friday and Anzac Day morning.
Adults $10, Concession/Pensioner $8, Child $1, Family $20
Cnr Percy St and Glenelg St, Portland 3305 Map
✆ (03) 5523 5795
Web Links
→ Portland Powerhouse Motor & Car Museum