Port Fairy Golf Course

Port Fairy Golf Links is currently rated by Golf Australia as the #1 golf course in Australia for green fees under $50.00. A classic links style course that winds its way through unspoiled sand dunes and provides spectacular views of the Southern Ocean. Port Fairy golf links welcomes golfers of all ages and abilities.
The Port Fairy Golf Club welcomes all visitors to the course and newly renovated club house facilities. The course is available to green fee players at most times however there is limited access on competition days or during major club events, tournaments and corporate days. Guests are invited to play during any competition rounds if they have a valid Golf Link number. Members and their guests are expected to maintain a neat appearance when visiting the Port Fairy Golf Club.
Green and Hire Fees
101 Skenes Road, Port Fairy 3284 Map
✆ (03) 5568 1654
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.portfairygolf.com.au
→ Port Fairy Golf Club on Facebook