Point Cook Scout Group (1st)

1st Point Cook Scout Group has a Joey scout mob (age range: 5-7), Cub scout pack 1 & 2 (age range: 8-10), Scout troop 1 & 2 (age range: 11-14) and Venturer unit (age range: 15-17).
1st Point Cook Scout Group is a vibrant youth community group with kids, teenagers and young adults members from around the Point Cook and surrounding areas. Scouting is a volunteer organisation, made up of generous leaders and parent helpers who make Scouting possible for your children.
Cnr Foxwood Drive and Dunnings Road, Point Cook 3030 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ scoutsvictoria.com.au/location/1ST-POINT-COOK
→ www.1stpointcook.org.au