Point Cook Historical Homestead (Point Cook)

Point Cook Historical Homestead (Point Cook)

Down a country track lies a peaceful historic property where you will discover weathered bluestone walls, graceful Norfolk pines, spectacular beachfront city views and a gentle sea breeze. The Point Cook Homestead is a magnificent bayside heritage property on 25-acres.

Opening Hours:

Currently closed until further notice.




Includes a small indoor homestead area (built in 1849 - 1911) with a couple of furnished rooms and an outdoor area with old farming equipment including a tractor, stables and chook house with various ducks, chooks and turkeys. There is a cafe with outside seating.

There is a nice wetlands walk in this area.



1 Point Cook Homestead Road,  Point Cook 3030 Map

(03) 9395 1213

Web Links


Point Cook Homestead, Coastal Park And Cheetham Wetlands on Facebook

Point Cook Historical Homestead (Point Cook)1 Point Cook Homestead Road,, Point Cook, Victoria, 3030