Point Cook Historical Homestead (Point Cook)

Down a country track lies a peaceful historic property where you will discover weathered bluestone walls, graceful Norfolk pines, spectacular beachfront city views and a gentle sea breeze. The Point Cook Homestead is a magnificent bayside heritage property on 25-acres.
Opening Hours:
Currently closed until further notice.
Includes a small indoor homestead area (built in 1849 - 1911) with a couple of furnished rooms and an outdoor area with old farming equipment including a tractor, stables and chook house with various ducks, chooks and turkeys. There is a cafe with outside seating.
There is a nice wetlands walk in this area.
1 Point Cook Homestead Road, Point Cook 3030 Map
✆ (03) 9395 1213
Web Links
→ pointcookhomestead.com
→ Point Cook Homestead, Coastal Park And Cheetham Wetlands on Facebook